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The history of the discovery of the atomic structure is outlined below.   (ประวัติโดยย่อของการค้นพบโครงสร้างอะตอมมีลำดับดังนี้)

  • John Dalton (1808) proposed the Atomic Theory. According to Dalton, matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. The atom is the smallest particle of matter that takes part in a chemical reaction. Atoms are indivisible and cannot be created or destroyed. Further, atoms of the same element are identical in every respect.
    (ปี 1808 จอห์น  ดาลตัน  เสนอทฤษฎีอะตอม)
  • J. J. Thomson (1897) discovered electrons in Cathode Ray experiments. According to Thomson, atoms are divisible. Atoms contain very tiny negatively charged particles called electrons.
    (ปี 1897  J.J. Thomson  พบอิเล็กตรอน)
  • E. Goldstein (1900) discovered protons in Anode Ray experiments. According to Goldstein, atoms contain positively charged particles called protons. Since atoms contain negatively charged particles, they must contain positively charged particles for them to be electrically neutral.
    (ปี 1900  โกลด์สไตน์  พบโปรตอน)
  • E. Rutherford (1911) discovered the nucleus and provided the basis for the modern atomic structure through his alpha particle scattering experiment. According to Rutherford, the atoms is made of two parts: the nucleus and the extra-nuclear part. His experiments proved that the atom is largely empty and has a heavy positively-charged body at the center called the nucleus. The central nucleus is positively-charged and the negatively-charged electrons revolve around the nucleus.
    (ปี 1911 รัทเทอร์ฟอร์ด   พบว่าอะตอมมี 2 ส่วน  คือนิวเคลียสซึ่งมีมวลมาก  มีประจุบวก  เป็นศูนย์กลางของอะตอม  กับสิ่งที่อยู่รอบ ๆ นิวเคลียสคืออิเล็กตรอน)
  • James Chadwick (1932) disovered neutrons. According to Chadwick, atoms contain neutral particles called neutrons in their nucleus along with the subatomic particles (i.e., electrons and protons).
    (ปี 1932  James Chadwick  พบนิวตรอน)
  • N. Bohr (1940) provided the modern concept of the atomic model. According to Bohr, the atom is made of a central nucleus containing protons (positively-charged) and neutrons (with no charge). The electrons (negatively-charged) revolve around the nucleus in different imaginary paths called orbits or shells.
    (ปี 1940 N. Bohr พบว่าอิเล็กตรอนที่โคจรรอบนิวเคลียสแบ่งออกเป็นชั้น ๆ ตามระดับพลังงาน)


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